Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Artist Spotlight-Troy Paiva-Photography

Troy Paiva

Since 1989, Photographer/Graphic Artist, Troy Paiva has been photographing the desolate landscape of what used to once be a part of flourishing American life in the West. Old gas stations, deteriorating cars, and obliterated buildings are just some of the subject matter of Troy Paiva's view of the "Lost America". Troy uses a technique of lighting with colored gels on either flashlights or strobe lights with a long exposure to create an eerie look with a surreal background (created by the long exposure).

I found out about Troy randomly while searching for graphic artists as a part of my research into digital artists for college class I was taking. I immediately loved his technique because it involved unique lighting for each photo. Partially being a technical theater nerd, I love any art that involves lighting effects. I always like to point photographers in the direction of "light painting", since you can get some very interesting effects.

You can see more work by Troy on his website: lostamerica.com

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